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Kineton Parish Council

Kineton Parish Church




Origin Transport Consultants Ltd were commissioned by Kineton Parish Council in Warwickshire to prepare a Traffic Study. The aim of the study was to provide an evidence base of the existing traffic issues in the village and provide an estimation of future traffic conditions.


In order to obtain an evidence base, Origin commissioned and reviewed an extensive programme of surveys including ANPR surveys, junction surveys and parking beat surveys.


The surveys revealed a significant amount of through traffic. It also showed that parking reduced the roads in the village centre to single file.  We therefore modelled the local roads to simulate the effects if single file traffic and platooning.


An impact assessment was conducted to establish the effect of network growth as well of the impact from a nearby strategic residential development. The report concluded with recommendation to improve the conditions with regards to congestion and highway safety within the village.




Origin have provided highways and transport planning advice on the proposals including;


  • Traffic Study





We addressed the easing of congestion along with traffic calming measures.




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