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Transport Assessment

We take pride in writing Transport Assessments in a methodical way which can be better understood by all people that read them, not just professionals within a development team or the Local Authority. For many years our transport planning consultant team have worked in and alongside Public Sector Development Management teams and as such we are ideally placed to understand exactly what the Local Highway Authority will require. 


Our Transport Assessments are prepared to accord with principles of the Department for Transport’s “Guidance on Transport Assessment” 2007 and the more recent 2014 National Planning Practice Guidance “Travel Plans, Transport Assessments and Statements in decision taking“.


We continue to use the 2007 guidance because in our experience this continues to be a useful reference guide that is used by many Local Highway Authority's and it remains much more prescriptive than the 2014 Planning Practice Guidance. The requirement for a Transport Assessment is now site specific and there is significant emphasis on agreeing the need for and scope of Transport Assessments with the Local Highway Authority in accordance with the NPPG. However, a useful guide to thresholds was included in Appendix B of the Guidance on Transport Assessment.


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