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Avonmouth Bio Power

Avonmouth Bio Power




Origin Transport Consultants Ltd were commissioned by Avonmouth Bio Power Energy Ltd to prepare a Transport Statement in support of a planning application to amend the feedstock and supply store source to the Avonmouth Bio Power Low Carbon Energy Facility in Bristol, Avon.


The facility is capable of recovering energy from 100,000 tonnes of waste per annum and generates up to 14MW of low carbon and renewable energy, enough to power 28,000 homes. This application will allow fuel to be sourced from within 150 mile radius rather than just from the neighbouring plant.


​Modelling of nearby junctions established that the additional HGV traffic could be accommodated on the local network. The effect on the adjacent strategic road network, especially the A4 and M5 was also assessed and it was demonstrated that the additional trips would have a negligible impact on the strategic road network.


An HGV routeing plan was prepared to ensure the large vehicles would travel on suitable roads.




Origin have provided highways and transport planning advice on the proposals including;


  • Transport Statement

  • Transport Modelling 

  • HGV Tracking 




The application has been approved and planning permission granted.



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