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Sutton Courtenay

sutton courtnenay




Origin were commissioned by Oxfordshire County Council (OCC) to undertake modelling work on three junctions in Sutton Courtenay adjacent to the Culham Bridges, and determine the impact of a number of proposed development schemes on the operation of the local highway network.


The network is complex comprising two junctions either side of the 'River Thames' as well as a section of signal controlled single way working on the bridge between them. The purpose of the analysis was to consider the cumulative traffic impact of four separate developments in the area that would total some 488 dwellings and significant commercial development with the bridge being the only way to cross the River Thames locally.


A linisg model was developed to assess all three junctions individually and together as part of a linked network. Junction network performance was validated against recorded queue length data at each of the junctions and journey times across the whole network.


Three Technical Notes considering various scenarios where produced which allowed the County Council to conclude how it would determine highways comments for each application.




Origin have provided highways and transport planning advice on the proposals including;


  • Comprehensive Network Capacity Modelling

  • Technical Note

  • Transport Assessment

  • Swept Path Analysis





The application has received no objection and has been approved.


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